Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dark Souls Playthrough Week 3

Day 5

It's been a few days. The pain is going away a bit, which kinda scares me. Every time I die, it hurts a little less. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. After I rang the bell atop the Undead Parish, I continued beyond the ramparts and into the woods. Through some constructed caverns I discovered a Blacksmith, who was willing to repair and upgrade my equipment (for the proper price), but seemed unwilling to provide any further assistance.

I could finally wield the sword of the Black Knight I had vanquished days ago. The black sheen eerily reflecting every flicker from the torch-lights in the cavern. Descending the staircase I came upon a ruined entrance hall. Occupying the center was a large horned demon, with only one leg. Approaching it proved to be a learning experience, its hands, horn, and weapon began glowing yellow as a faint crackle began to fill the otherwise empty room. I barely managed to roll behind some old debris before the lightning had arced from the monster's hand to where I had been standing moments prior.

The fight killed me... literally. I had grown impatient and ran too close to the beast. A quick couple of swings from its trident reduced my body to a broken heap. Each swing seemed to crack a new spot of my rib-cage. After blacking out from the pain, I awoke next to the bonfire directly above the Blacksmith. This time around, I was ready for every trick the demon could throw at me. A final swing into the heart of the abomination yielded a satisfying spray of sanguine substance. Coating the obsidian colored steel, almost the same shade in the low light of the hall.

Venturing into the forest I began to realize a few things. Everything was feeling uncomfortably familiar. It was like i'd been through this path before, in a dream or another life. I knew what kinds of new horrors would stand in my way, and I knew I would die to them. Die I did, at least three more times, all to giant stone golems that were awoken from their slumber on accident. After passing the final golem I cam upon a bridge leading to an old tower that used to be part of the castle. Before I could cross the bridge entirely, the air shifted. I looked up to see a white barrier barring my entry to the tower. A chill shot down my spine as the moon reappeared from behind the clouds, casting a bright beam of light around me. Turning around I discover the source of this light is not the moon, but a Moonlight Butterfly, nearly 5 times my own size.

The butterfly made its decent upon me, spawning some sort of beams of light that did a lot more damage than initially expected. Fortunately the over-grown moth had to come down to recharge. After a few swings of my blade, the head was severed. The soul collected off this butterfly seemed different. I couldn't bring myself to absorbing the soul, no I think I might be able to use this later. I discovered a special ember in the tower and learned that The Blacksmith can utilize this new ember.

Time to trek the other accessible path within the forest. This one led down into the depths of a grand, open, cavern. At the bottom of this cavern I discovered another bonfire, praise the sun! I quickly refilled my estus flasks and set back off into the cavern. From atop the hill I could see the underground lake, beyond giant diamond-like creatures whom I doubt are friendly. My doubts were soon justified as one quickly dispatched of me, unphased by the swings from my sword.

Awaking with the vague memory of most of my bones breaking, I set out again. This time I managed to outwit the giant rockheads, only to be blown away by enormous jets of water. How they were hurled at me from 100 yards away, i wouldn't know until I got down to the lake. On my third death in this area I was face to face with what was hurling water at me: a giant seven headed hydra. After discovering gaps in its attack pattern, I quickly managed to remove each of the seven heads.

At this point, I decided to go utilize a key I had found that could get me into the lower portion of Undead Burg. I decided to take a more subtle approach, attempting to sneak around this more dimly-lit area of the city. My plan succeeded for about six seconds, quickly proving useless when undead thieves, much more agile than myself, lurked in every darkened doorway. Several snuck up behind and slit my throat. After feeling my own blood spill across the mud and grass several times, I had finally learned all their hiding spots.

After disposing of all these bandits and their ruthless dogs, I came across the familiar white barrier. Meant to keep things in as well as out, I decided to traverse the fog. Upon entering I only had about two seconds to understand that I was under attack. An ambush lying in wait for any unsuspecting victim. A demon with the head of a goat lunges forward and brings down both of its rusty swords, completely immobilizing me. A final blow leaves a huge hole in my back, quickly rendering me unconscious.

A man can only die to a demon so many times before he loses hope. I haven't given up yet, but losing count of how many times this demon has killed me is very tiresome. I will need to make a strategy before my next attempt tomorrow.


"Write at least 250 words about the first four hours of playing your game. Emphasize the three act structure. Do you see events unfolding that seem to fit into the three act structure?

Also add anything new about characterization, or general interesting storytelling techniques."

I figure this time i'll add the prompt for those that may not understand my project goals.

At this point I mildly regret picking Dark Souls, because there's no direct plot. That makes it quite difficult to emphasize a three act structure, when one seemingly doesn't exist. At this point though, based on where my narrative is going and what my current game objectives are, I can see a three act structure coming into play.

Inciting Incident:
Escaping from the prison cell at the beginning of the game. It's the only action the character can take to make progress in the game and introduces the player to "tutorial island" as I like to call it.

Plot point #1:
This would be the ringing of the first Bell of Awakening, after defeating the terrifying Bell-Tower Demons.

First Culmination:
The first "boss-battle" aside from the Gargoyles would be the Moonlight Butterfly, showing how boss-fights would then appear in explorable places on the map and turning high rewards for those capable of defeating these bosses.

I believe i'm currently working through the midpoint, a more conclusive analysis will be given once more progress is made

Plot point #2:
I can only imagine ringing the second Bell of Awakening is the second major plot point.

Undoubtedly whatever follows the ringing of the second Bell. Another boss fight, some sort of cool item. Again, will revisit once progress is made.

I'm hoping a cinematic following the final boss-fight wraps up all the loose ends.

My next goal is to make my character a little less static when describing my narrative, I need a little more emotion. I love that the entire Dark Souls story line is based off of the world lore instead of the character interaction. It's like the story itself is how much I choose to explore the world.

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