Monday, September 26, 2011

Reflections on Sound Design

I apologize but for some reason this script would not upload as an image under a .pdf file, so i've simply copy/pasted it here:


INT. Cell - Night

ANDY sits at his cot with rope in hand, glancing up at the poster on the opposite wall. He gets up and slowly walks over to the poster. Andy removes his shirt and then begins placing his belongings in a plastic bag. Lightning strikes and he begins his slow crawl through a cramped tunnel with only a flashlight to make out what lies ahead. Andy shimmies out into an open crawlspace and climbs down onto a large pipe, his silhouette outlined as lightning crashes and illuminates his descent. As he reaches the bottom he pulls out a rock and waits for each lightning strike to smash the rock against the pipe. The third strike yields a fountain of thick dark liquid spurting upward from the pipe and into Andy's face. He gazes down into the pipe once the liquid subsides and begins to crawl through another narrow, cramped passageway.

Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine...

Andy can be heard vomiting all over himself as he continues to crawl.

or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred yards. That's the length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile.

Andy exits the pipe-system and falls into a river, he proceeds to get up and run down the river with a guard tower in the background. He rips off his shirt and spreads his arms out as he gazes upwards, embracing the rain and laughing.



This scene was one of the most powerful in the movie for two major reasons: space and time. Throughout the entire scene the protagonist, Andy, is confined in a jail cell, cramped in tight tunnels or narrow crawl-spaces. This is reflected through the sound design with the very flat sounds in the jail cell, giving the perception that the size of the cell is extremely small. The directionality of the sound changes and gets louder as Andy moves into the tunnel, the audience can hear his shirt rubbing against the walls as he breathes heavily. These sounds become echoed as he reaches the crawl-space where the tonal center seems to shift a little bit. The ambient rain, the thunder and Andy striking his rock against the pipe all have a very loud and fast resonant sound that seem to resonate within the confined space that the character is trying to navigate. As the pipe breaks and Andy enters, Ellis's voice can be heard narrating what "happened". This gives the illusion that Andy's trek through the sewage system was a long one and creates a subjective time contrasting to the quick on-screen transitions. Finally when Andy gets out of the pipe and into the river, the rain and thunder are at their loudest, but he is now in an open environment. The open space around him reflects the freedom that he longed for, and the ambient sounds create that space as he laughs and recognizes his accomplishment.

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